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混搭 m²
The Tourists Service Center is located at the north foot of Songyan mountain in Huangyan district, Taizhou city, adjacent to the Huangqian line, at the southern end of orange garden. The local citrus museum is just across the river. The project aims to help the local tourism organization present a brand new tourism experience with a combination of visitor reception and citrus culture exhibition through the renovation and expansion of an old factory.
▼游客接待服务中心外观远景,位于松岩山北麓,distant exterior view of the Tourists Service Center that is located at the north foot of Songyan mountain
▼游客接待服务中心轴测图,新建部分与原有建筑相结合,the axon of the Tourists Service Center, the newly built part is combined with the original building
The newly added building area of the Tourists Service Center is about 600 square meters. The base allowed to be used is cramped and the construction conditions are harsh. Meanwhile the property owner wants to control the cost and the newly built part should be combined with the original building and the wooden frame of an old building should be retained. Moreover, the very short design cycle and construction time of the project itself are two biggest explicit challenges faced by the project from the very beginning.
▼游客接待服务中心外观近景,白色体量为原有建筑,木色体量为新建体量,close exterior view of the Tourists Service Center with the white original volumes and the wood newly-built volumes
▼项目生成过程——保留原有建筑部分,the generation process – keeping the original part of the building
▼项目生成过程——嵌筑新的功能空间,the generation process – embedding new function spaces
▼项目生成过程——建立新的群组关系,the generation process – creating new group relationships
▼项目生成过程——延续并变化组织新的屋架关系,the generation process – continuing and changing the organization of the new roof truss relationship
▼项目生成过程——空间元素构成关系,the generation process – spatial elements constitution relationship
In original double slope wooden frame and retention of the two old houses, the slope roof is one of the basic elements, so the original roof form should be kept on design. How to use the old and new roof space relation was conscious performance throughout the project. The design repeatedly stressed that the traditional and modern express the characteristics of the elements in the process. In terms of space, the newly added reception hall, catering service hall and leisure tea room are connected with each other through a courtyard space with great perspective and guidance. Although each space has different functions, it forms a subtle transition between public and private, noisy and quiet in the connection with the courtyard.
▼新建部分外观,采用坡屋顶,exterior view of the newly built part with the slope roof
▼游客接待服务中心东立面局部,以木材为主材料,辅以钢材、玻璃等现代材料,partial exterior view of the east elevation of the Tourists Service Center with wood as the main material, combining modern materials such as steel and glass
▼游客接待服务中心东立面局部,敞廊空间构成了整个建筑朝向入口广场的正面性,partial exterior view of the east elevation of the Tourists Service Center, the open corridor space constitutes the facade of the whole building towards the entrance square
▼游客接待服务中心外观局部,屋架错落有致,partial exterior view of the Tourists Service Center with scattered roofs
The whole project uses wood as the main material as much as possible, and expands the expression and characteristics of the building by combining modern materials such as steel and glass. In the entrance space, steel and wood materials are combined to extend the boundary of the original space. The open corridor space on the east side constitutes the facade of the whole building towards the entrance square. Scattered roofs and vertical rotating wooden louvers are not only the needs of form change but also an active adaptation to the site conditions.
▼游客接待服务中心外立面细节,采用竖向可转动的木百叶,details of the facade of the Tourists Service Center with vertical rotating wooden louvers
▼游客接待服务中心室内空间,interior view of the Tourists Service Center
▼室内屋架细节,details of the interior roof trusses
The design attempts to use the combination of modern materials and original traditional materials to form a space atmosphere that can combine the local characteristics of orange culture with rustic and happy harvest, so that visitors can feel its traditional and modern rural temperament.
▼游客接待服务中心外观夜景,night view of the Tourists Service Center
▼游客接待服务中心的庭院空间夜景,极具透视引导性的庭院连接不同体量,night view of the courtyard of the Tourists Service Center, the courtyard space with great perspective and guidance connects different volumes
▼总平面图,site plan
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